
Getting Here

Traveling to Coral Beach Cabana is reminiscent of the by-gone era of travel — when travel was sophisticated and simple. Connecting flights from Nadi to Vanua Levu Island, the second largest island in Fiji are just 1 hour. Arrivals and departures into Vanua Levu island are typically by a ATR or Twin Otter twin prop aircraft. There is no security line. You can wait for your flight under tropical trees and browse the works of local artisans.

If your heart is really set on hitching a ride with a mermaid…..we’ll see what we can do.

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The Second Star From The Right

Coral Beach Cabana is located outiside the town of Savusavu — a small expat community. We are close to world renowned Jean-Michel Cousteau Diving Resort. We offer the same beach and dive experience at half the price. There are two airports servicing Coral Beach Cabana, Savusavu Airport and Labasa Airport. Savusavu airport is a short 15 minute drive from Coral Beach Cabana. Labasa airport is approximately 80 minutes away. Despite it’s distance your transfer from Labasa airport is well worth the trip, as you’ll travel through the verdant forests, stunning mountains and iconic shorelines of this beautiful island. It’s not to be missed. Flights to and from Labasa typically are less costly and less crowded. Coral Beach Cabana can help arrange your transport to and from the airport. Your adventure awaits.


Got The Jitters For Small Planes?


Peek InSide A Plane

Check Out The View


Check Out A LandinG

Or Two