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Show Some Teeth

The generous kindness of the Fijian cultures offers you a rare opportunity to be a part of a global tribe at the center of humanity.  A Fijian smile is so simply genuine and welcoming that it can heal your spirit.  Their playful and exuberant nature offers you constant laughter and a warm embrace.  

Fijians are taught from an early age that family and friends are most important in life – and this has remained true even in our world where technology is pervasive. From this warm, ancient, yet living culture comes a welcoming and fun-loving community.  The generosity and humble nature of the their hospitality will embrace you and light your heart. 

Coral Beach Cabana is not completely cut off from civilization. In fact, we specifically chose the location to link you to a local, traditional Fijian village nearby.

Unlike other resorts, we offer deeply immersive experiences with the traditional village nearby.

Coral Beach Cabana is uniquely, and sustainably linked to this small village. And a portion of the stay and the experiences you select go to the village directly to help build important infrastructure and support the schools.